EU REACH directive

The EU REACH*)-directive for Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals manufactured in or imported into the European Union came into force in June 2007.

To comply with this directive, our mother company, Donau Carbon GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany, has in the first step pre-registered its Activated Carbons by end of 2008.
Their registration number is:

Donau Carbon

Material short text EC number CAS number REACH registration number
Activated Carbon (D Carbon)
High density skeleton
 931-328-0 7440-44-0    01-2119488894-16-0009

For the second step, preparation of a extensive registration dossier which was filed with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) end of 2010, Members of ACPA (Activated Carbon Producers Association) have formed a consortium, of which Donau Carbon is one of the founders.

Please find on the right side some additional information which the Members of ACPA have jointly worked out (pdf); the consortium formed outside of the ACPA sector group, with the purpose of registering Activated Carbon under REACH, has also established a Website to get further information about the registration process. 

*) REACH = Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of CHemicals
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